What is Women's Day and why it is Celebrate ?

For the overall and beautiful development of the world, It is essential to combine the mainstream development of women. The position of woman will be as important, strong, dignified and active in the society, as the community is advanced, prosperous and strong. Modern thinkers and Contemplatives also acknowledged that they have been told – "Yatra Naryastu pujayante Bramante tatr deity" where the woman is worship there is god live.

Since the beginning of creation, female agars are of infinite qualities. The Earth's capacity, the sun as fast, sea severity, moon cooling, mountains C mental High is visible in the heart of the woman. Mercy is a sacred idol of compassion, Mamata and love, and can even Chandiaadishakti ragged time when it comes. It is also the janmadatri of Man's life. Males and female complement each other.

Sacrificial and sacrifice of woman is an invaluable trove of Indian culture. Prasad Ji's It lines-"womanyou are only reverence, Faith silver Pug in the pug floor, Piyush source C, express your
meaningfulness in the beautiful shelves of life today.
But with the changing times and the industrialization of the world, a deep examination of the human qualities of women was started. It felt that the value of work, money and hardwork began to overtake human characteristics and that women were left behind in the race. His anguish had borne a new voice of the same rights of voiced men in many countries in the world.
For their uplift and the equal rights of men, the world has changed many badalti. In March 8, 1908, in the UK, women demonstrated their rights towards ' bread and roses ' with the slogan. Bread was the epitome of his economic security and Rose's good lifestyle.
His right and development-conscious women's organisation received social recognition and support, and the first International Women's Day was held in 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and

The Governments of different countries provided rules and legality in this regard, as per their own status. The first International Women's year was in Mexico. In Beijing on the occasion of the 4th International Women's year, nearly 189 countries in the world showed their resolve and solidarity, Aiming hard to improve the lives of women worldwide.
In 1975, the International Women's Year inauguration in India, then Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi on February 16, on the National Women's Day in New Delhi said, "There is no job that women cannot side with men." "Indian women have not had to face legal and political constraints as much as the social situation. With varying circumstances, India is also taking effect in the efforts to make women stronger and strong.
The social, economic and political share of women is expected to be pre-grown. It has not only broken the supremacy of men by playing important and effective roles, but also attracted the attention of the men's society.
Women in the world today are also at a social level and at a cultural level but most exploited at the social level. As much as the woman has been added to the traditions or the woman is more attached to them, not only does her rights be abused, but it becomes a reason
of exploitation.

Malala Yousafzai -  Activist for Female Education

                   (First women's are celebrate in maxico)



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