Top 10 billionars in the world list 2018 - Fobers

In Fobers ' the World billionars list 2018, this time the Amazonian founder Jeff Bezos top with a wealth of about 112 billion (Rs 7.5 lakh crore). Bezos has achieved the first time. Bezos has become the first billionaire in the world to possess more than $100 billion. He has trailed Microsoft's founder Bill Gates for four consecutive years on top of the list. The World Billionars list includes 121 Indians.  That's where Reliance Industries (RIL) Chairman Mukesh Ambani is at the 19th number in the ListFillRange. His total assets have gone up by $40 billion (about Rs 2.61 lakh crore).
At the global ranks of 2,208 billionaires, Mukesh Ambani has this very big jump. Last year Mukesh Ambani was ranked 33rd. Then his property was 23.2 billion.   They have gone up 14 notch in the list.  In this perspective, Mukesh Ambani's total assets have grown to 16.9 billion in just 1 year. There is no woman in the top-10. American retail chains Volmart Ellis Walton 16th the spot.

List of Forbes top-5,2018

Billionaire property ranks this year ranked in 2017

  1:- Jeff Bezos $112 billion

 2:-Bill Gates 91.2 billion

 3:-Warren Buffet 87.7 billion

 4:- Bernard Arnalt $75 billion

 5:- Mark Jukarabarg 72 Billion-dollar

How many assets near the worldwide 2208 Billionars?
                                                                                       Forbes has repeatedly collected a record of 2208 billionars worldwide. Their total worth is 9.1 trillion dollars. Last year, the figure was 7.7 trillion.This is often the list of 259 nyuukamars from worldwide who have made business toys and electric cars from wedding dressings to the list.

India's 121 Billionaire list:-
                                             Includes the highest billionaire Americans in the list of Forbes. The total number of billionaires here is 585 while China's 373 billionaires. That's where India's 121 billionaires are included in the list. Let India's total 102 billionaires be included on the list in 2017. In this perspective, the number of billionaires in India has also grown.

These Indians in top-5

1:- Mukesh Ambani  -40.1 billion

2:_ Azim Premji -18.8 billion

3:-Lakshmi Niwas Mittal - $18.5 billion

4:-shiv Sanghvi -14.6 billion in the $.

5:-Dilip Sanghvi - 12.8 billion
                                               (ALL amount in dollar)



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