Stephen Hawking Dies at 76

Stephen Hawking, famously the world's second Einstein , is no longer in this world. Two months ago (8 January) he celebrated his 62nd birthday. Hawking's entire profile was inspire. We are saying this, because that was the person who had to be beaten to death. He was young and suffered from a serious illness, 50 years ago, the doctors ' team had told him that he would not be able to live more than two years.

 At the age of 21, Hawking was surrounded by a terrible disease alace (Emyotrapik-lateral sclerosis).
Generally, the disease takes a life in five years. After the disease surfaced, doctors also said that Hawking would be able to live only two years.
-but Hawking were not supposed to lose. He had been proving the prophecy of the doctors for more than 50 years. His body was almost completely paralyzing.

                                        What the fatalities were called Hawking

Hawking said of death-I don't feel any fear of death, but I have no hurry to die. Because there is a lot of inculcated before dying.

 Even though the whole body of Hawking has stopped working. He still wanted to live. He said that death is certain, but how they want to live between birth and death depends on us. Whether inculcated is too hard, you can do something and be successful.

                                              Found pain at the age of 21

A Stephane Hawking AE home for a holiday. Suddenly the stairs fell unconscious. Initially, these cases felt a physical, but check them out about the severe disease neuron moto. This allows the veins to control the body's muscles slowly and gradually stop working.
In addition, all body parts are closed. Not only that, the doctors predicted to live for just two years. He was just 21 years old at that time.

                                          The first shock sank Hawking, but then stood up

After finding out about the disease, Hawking first went to shock. But he said he can't die. They have to do a lot of things in life.

The concern of all these things was hawking, and after all, the whole meditation was put on the science.

Later in the years, Stephen Hawking confessed that he had understood the disease. But the body was gradually sparing.

They had to resort to a wheelchair in sickness. It was linked with a computer. By vibration in their head and eyes, the machine knew what Hawking is trying to speak.


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