Modi and the macro will Inogration the solar power of india.

 French President Imainuel Macro will inogration the largest solar power plant of Uttar Pradesh in the presence of the PM on Monday. The plant is built in Chanbe Dadar Art village. The solar plant has been prepared with the help of the French company Envoyr Solar Private Limited and NEDA. 45 minutes after the inogration, both leaders will remain in Mirzapur. 

Project operator explained, the total cost of the plant is Rs 650 crore in the 382 acre.
It is fully auto Matic. It will not need to switch on or off.
In this plant 3 lakh 18 thousand solar plates have been planted.
right there, more than 200 workers and 20 above engineers have been prepared in 18 months with the help.
It is important that the plant has not been used in the ground.
This power plant has been connected to ' Jigna Power House '. Here is 2 km away from the plant
Power will be divided into Mirzapur A and B blocks. The remaining power will also be given to Allahabad.
Our target is to deliver electricity to 18 to 20 thousand households, "Tushar Malik Pojekt manager said.
Will supply over 5 lakh units. Power House capacity is 75 MW.


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