ALL OF US willing to talk to nuclear test to stop North Korea: South Korea

The attempt to improve the relationship between South Korea and North Korea continues. A delegation of North Korea under the same Tuesday met dictator Kim Jong-un for first time. The meeting has become agreed upon in the talks between the two next month. The special thing was to welcome this 5-member delegation by Kim Jong himself. After returning to South Korea, delegation claimed that Kim is ready to stop talks with the US over its nuclear tests. Tell us and Yuen have imposed many stringent economic sanctions on North Korea, taking nuclear and missile tests.
North-South will remain on the unity of emphasis.
                                                                                  According to the-North Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), Kim met with South Korean delegation, insisting that she wants to create a new history by bringing together the two countries again.
--there delegation pointed out that the dictator has agreed to hold a summit between the two countries in April.

What issues have been discussed in the meeting?

     The meeting spoke on strengthening the relationship between North-south and establishing peace in the Korean peninsula. In addition, Seoul delegation also assigned Kim the personal letter of President Moon Jei-in.
-Let's say that the president of South Korea has been advocating for a dialogue with North Korea at the last time.

Who was involved in delegation:-
                                                        South Korea's intelligence chief in Hoon and national aspirants advisor Chung Yui-Yong were the other officers. How was that. It has not been disclosed.

Kim Jong-contends those welcome himself:-
                                                                         News agency Kesiene Kim and South Korean delegate had released several photos. He himself is looking to welcome the officers of dictator Kim Jong-South Korea.
In some other photos, South Korea's intelligence chief in Hoon and national aspirants advisor Chung Yui-Yong can be seen interacting with Kim during the dinner. In dinner with Kim, his wife-Sol Ju and sister Kim Yo-jong were also present.

Delegation of South Korea met for first time dictator:-
                                                                                          In the last 7 years it is the first chance that South Korea's official Kim Jong-un has met directly with him. Kim Jong-those to his father Kim who Kim came to power in 2011 after the death of the zone-il. Since then, the relationship between the two has not been better.

Trying to repair image North Korea:-
                                                              In view of the constantly deteriorating conditions in Korean PRAYADVIP, it is the first time North Korea is constantly trying to improve its image. In the Winter Olympics in South Korea this year, the teams of North and South Korea had taken the bottom of a flag. The dictator had also tried to minimize the shrillness between the two countries by sending his sister Kim Yo Jong.
In the Sahib of South Korea, Moon JE-in the past week had spoken to Deligation North Korea.


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